Friday, 13 July 2007


At the moment, Sarah is obsessed with it.....Every so often she will informed us (and also strangers) how we are related to one another. You're my mother and I am your daughter and Daddy is your husband and I am adik's sister......And we are family! She was initially confused with the wife/husband relationship but after a few rounds of explanations (and tears...hers not mine although that was a close call) she has got it now.

When reading she will look at the pictures and allocate labels of the mom, dad and kids and happily annouced 'they are family'.

Wednesday, 11 July 2007

about haris again

he is 9 months
he is my one tooth wonder boy
and he is walking

Wednesday, 4 July 2007

my little man

Hello gorgeous!

Favourite games

a) peek-a-boo

b) tickle me silly

c) raspberry on my tummy

d) climbing all over mummy

e) pulling out the phone power point

f) pulling out this little thing from behind the room door

g) tv remote!!!

Sunday, 1 July 2007

a song for daddy

I wish my daddy is home
but I cannot find him anywhere....
I wish my daddy is home
but he has gone to work....

Composed by: Sarah Ng
Lyrics by: Sarah Ng
Performed by: Sarah Ng
on 29/6/2007

pearly whites....

we have teeth
we have teeth
we have teeth
correction......we have A tooth, lower left A (dentist talk), but the lower right one is not far behind.....