Monday, 21 July 2008

potty time

Toilet training?
Not on my agenda just yet but Haris has his own it seems.
He now insists on sitting on the toilet for bubu....after he has done it :)
Ah well....early days yet. 

Sunday, 20 July 2008

Haris Dictionary - first edition

1) mama- person who adore him to bits therefore under his control, although a harder nut to crack compared to dada (see below)

2) kakak - person who must be emulated as she is supercool

3) dada - person who is around sometimes and under his control in seconds!!

4) putek - i wish i know what this means but used exclusively to report that kakak has done (supposedly) something to him

5) pukepuke - makka pakka/igglepiggle, anything from the night garden

6) dark - self explanatory, whenever he wants the lights switch on

7) TOP!!! - stop ...gathered from the forcefulness of voice and hand signal

8) tar - star

9) nennen - well, favourite milkshake :)

10) mammam - chowtime

11) meeh - the other type of milk, translated by action of pulling milk out of the fridge

12) nana - banana

13) breh - bread, translated by pointing and screaming the word when kakak gets her bread and he has to wait his turn

14) poon - spoon, translated by him going through mummy's cutlery drawer

15) pok - fork, see above

16) jus - tricky this one :). it means water actually. he is not too keen on juice
17) bubu - we know that one....

18) baw - ball

19) ko-kek - very important food group...chocolate. 

20) NO! - yes, NO! tough, i am bigger :)

Monday, 7 July 2008

sarah's jokes for the day

Q: How do yoghurt eat?
A: In a pot

S: Knock knock
M: Who's there?
S: Face
M: Face who?
S: Facebook
(ahhh...less computer time for mummy)


Last Wednesday, Sarah lost her little pony Glitter at the playground. She was quite heartbroken. But time heal all wounds.....

Conversation took place in the car enroute home from another town

Sarah: Mummy, where is Glitter?

M: I don't know. You had it with you.

S: No I don't.

M: Well, I don't know.

Much discussion of where it could be, who had it last, where we saw it last etc. So then, we realised she had left it at the playground. Oh the tears that followed.

M: Sarah, next time you have to be careful of your stuff, I told you not to take your toys to the playground.

S: I lost Glitter. I lost my Glitter. Forever!!! (crying even louder)

M: Yes, she's gone (said the cruel, heartless mother)

Right, so now she would learn a lesson and be a bit more careful, thought this cruel mother..... imagine the stereotype evil stepmother, that would be me)

All quiet in the car.

Then, soft sobbing could be heard. Not the loud tantrummy one, or the ouch i am in pain kind or the i am upset cry, this was so soft but it sounded as if her heart was breaking.

Ignore, ignore, the mother thought.

Arghh, no can do.

M: Sarah, it's ok Sarah.

S: No, it is not. Glitter is gone. I left her at the playground

M: Maybe some other little girl will look after it

S: But how Mummy, she wouldn't know it is Glitter.

M: I know but she could look after it for you

S: But she can't send Glitter back to me, she doesn't know where I live

M: I know sweetie

S: (on a roll now) Glitter can't come back on its own, she is only a pretend pony, not a real one.

I've lost Glitter. She cannot come home to me.

So we sat there, mummy half twisted in the front seat holding Sarah's hands who was still crying softly.

S: Glitter is gone Mummy.

M: She is...

D: Don't cry Sarah. We'll get you a new Glitter

M:(eh? where? ala, don't la promise, where am I to find one again? I would buy her one should I see one similar but to Sarah has learn this quote and quoting it back to me no less, a promise is a promise!)

S: I don't think I will see her again and I don't think I will get a new Glitter

M n D: We'll sort something out ok etc

All quiet

Except for occasional sobs

S: (inaudible talking softly to Pinkie Pie, her other pony)

S: Mummy, can I put a letter in the newspaper about Glitter saying she is lost, and she is Sarah's pony

M: You want to do flyers?

S: Yes, so everyone can know, and then they can give Glitter back to me

M: Ok we'll do it at home

S: I want to tell Nina, she is my best friend

M: We'll call Nina when we get home

S:( talking softly to Pinkie Pie again)

An hour later Sarah fell asleep. When we got home, I woke her up. Her first thought...

S: Glittter.....

Later that evening

S: Can I call Nina now?

M: Get me the phone (made the call to Sarah's bff who has been briefed earlier by text so she can understand the story)

S: Nina!!!! (and told the story....) Nina, I will go see you now ok? After I finish eating my dinner. Is Helena there? I will see you ok?

M: Er no! Nina is off to the gym to day. You can't go see her.

S: (too much trauma for the day and broke down)

M: (on the phone) It's ok Nina, you don't have to come, it's your gym day this evening. Ok then, you will come see Sarah tomorrow? For a long time? Ok. See you


S: Oh Glitter....Mummy I cannot sleep without Glitter.

And this little girl was fast asleep not two minutes later.

Glitter has been mentioned a few times since that day, no tears though. Mummy is on a lookout for a small purple pony soft toy.