Sunday, 20 July 2008

Haris Dictionary - first edition

1) mama- person who adore him to bits therefore under his control, although a harder nut to crack compared to dada (see below)

2) kakak - person who must be emulated as she is supercool

3) dada - person who is around sometimes and under his control in seconds!!

4) putek - i wish i know what this means but used exclusively to report that kakak has done (supposedly) something to him

5) pukepuke - makka pakka/igglepiggle, anything from the night garden

6) dark - self explanatory, whenever he wants the lights switch on

7) TOP!!! - stop ...gathered from the forcefulness of voice and hand signal

8) tar - star

9) nennen - well, favourite milkshake :)

10) mammam - chowtime

11) meeh - the other type of milk, translated by action of pulling milk out of the fridge

12) nana - banana

13) breh - bread, translated by pointing and screaming the word when kakak gets her bread and he has to wait his turn

14) poon - spoon, translated by him going through mummy's cutlery drawer

15) pok - fork, see above

16) jus - tricky this one :). it means water actually. he is not too keen on juice
17) bubu - we know that one....

18) baw - ball

19) ko-kek - very important food group...chocolate. 

20) NO! - yes, NO! tough, i am bigger :)

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