Saturday, 21 February 2009

and sarah says...

S: mummy, i like your tummy
M: eh?? am i fat?
S: just a teeny weeny little bit mummy
M: ok then, i suppose i have to exercise
S: yes, you haven't exercise for a long time
M: should i go to the gym?
S: yes, you should go to gymnastics like mine
M: hmm....that means we also cannot eat chocolate or ice cream
S: err...maybe not everyday but we can have it on monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday and friday
M: that is every day!
S: no, you still have saturday and sunday
M: hmmm....i think we should not have it at all
S: i don't think you are fat mummy!!!!!!

NB also am not pregnant

1 comment:

Ibu HANNA said...

sure? buddy system alert on (not me!)